Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Shape Up!

Ok, I Love Michelle Ward's GPP Street Team. I have lurked on her Blogs for a while now. On the Street Team Blog, she gives out a challenge and so many wonderful artist's rise to the occasion. The latest one is Shape Up! No I am not starting an exercise program. So I am finally rising to the challenge. I am going to participate for the first time. . . .my shape is . . . .the diamond shape. . . that lovely harlequin shaped diamond. I had this project in my mind for a while, I had a blank spot on my wall. . .so I must fill it.

As I started working on this project I looked around my living room and dining room and the most amazing thing happened. That shape is everywhere in my house! It is even on my favorite tea towels. WOW.

UGH, I cant find the pics on my computer, I know they are there, they are hiding somewhere.

I found the pics; so here goes.

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